Approval of a Resolution to Accept the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - Recovery 2009 Grant Agreements and approval of Budget Amendment 4440S1-11-02-09 to increase the Swaybranch Waterline project (09ENV022) in the amount of $105,000 to $135,420 and Budget Amendment 4250S1-11-02-09 Norcross/Crestview Drainage project (10GRA005) in the amount of $20,611.
Community Development
Item Summary:
On March 18, 2009, the Mayor and City Council met in a Special Called Work Session and approved the submission of two projects for CDBG-Recovery 2009 funding totaling $125,611: $105,000 for the Swaybranch Rd. waterline, and $20,611 for correcting a drainage issue on Norcross Street at Crestview Circle. Once an agreement is executed, the City will have four months to award a contract for construction on these projects and funds must be obligated by September 30, 2010.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On October 21, 2009 the Community Development & Transportation Committee recommended placing this item on the November 2, 2009 Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Upon approval of the budget amendments, two capital projects funded with CDBG-Recovery funds will be created. The first project is Swaybranch Waterline Project 09ENV022, Cost Center 4440S1, and Account 541420 for $105,000 to increase the total project amount to $135,420 and the second project is Norcross/Crestview Drainange Project 10GRA005, Cost Center 4250S1, and Account 541200 for $20,611.
Presented by:
Alice Wakefield, Director of Community Development