Approval of a Resolution to accept the Bureau of Justice Assistance State Criminal Alien Assistance Program FY2010 (SCAAP) grant and to authorize expenditures in the amount of $38,944 and approval of Budget Amendment 3226G1-10-25-10.
Public Safety
Item Summary:
The Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, administers SCAAP in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. SCAAP provides federal payments to local governments that incurred correctional officer salary costs for incarcerating undocumented criminal aliens who have at least one felony conviction or two misdemeanor convictions and who are incarcerated for at least four (4) consecutive days during the reporting period. The City of Roswell has been approved for a final award amount of $38,944. SCAAP funds may be used for correctional purposes only.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On October 12, 2010 the Public Safety & Public Works Committee recommended placing this item on the October 25, 2010 Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Upon approval of Budget Amendment 3226G1-10-25-10, $38,944 will be available in Cost Center 3226G1 for Project Number 11GRA006. There are no matching costs associated with this grant.
Presented by:
Ed Williams, Chief of Chief