Consideration to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with MARTA for Project 2 of the MARTA Offset Funds - Bus Stop Amenities and approval of a Budget Amendment in the amount of $1,674,500 to establish the MARTA Fund Grant Cost Center
Action Required:
Agenda Vote
The Atlanta Regional Commission programmed $25 million of MARTA capital funds in return for funding MARTA Operations in 2009. The City of Roswell is eligible to program $1,674,500 in capital improvements that enhance or augment the existing MARTA bus service in the City of Roswell. Staff has drafted four Intergovernmental Agreements totaling $1,674,500 in capital improvements.
This is the second of four IGAs with MARTA. The total project consists of installing bus stop amenities at 50 bus stop locations in the City of Roswell.
Attachment: Intergovernmental Project Agreement between City of Roswell, GA and MARTA
The IGA project budget is $500,000. There is no city match. The IGA must be signed by the Mayor and MARTA.
We may not install all 50 bus stops. However, this IGA gives us the authorization to pick and choose the ones we install.