Approval of a Resolution to resubmit an application for the US Department of Justice Community Office of Policing Service (COPS) Grant for 2010.
Presented by Ed Williams, Police Chief
Item Summary:
The COPS office has announced the availability of 2010 grant funds to address the personnel needs of state and local law enforcement agencies. Mayor and Council approved a resolution to submit an application for this program on March 16, 2009. The City of Roswell submitted the application but did not receive funding for the 2009 grant period. Grant funds under this program can be used to hire sworn officers to increase community policing capability. The grant will pay entry level salary and benefits cost for up to ten (10) additional sworn officers for a maximum of three years. At the conclusion of the grant, the City will be required to continue funding the positions. The entry level salary and benefit cost of each officer is calculated at $54,000. There will be one time operating and capital equipment costs of $57,850 per officer.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On May 4, 2010 the Public Safety & Public Works Committee recommended placing this item on the May 17, 2010 Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Funding for the initial equipment purchases will be made available from the Confiscated Assets Fund. There is approximately $700,000 available in that Fund.
Presented by:
Ed Williams, Chief of Police