Approval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a change order with Tritt Contracting, Inc. to increase the North Coleman waterline replacement contract in the amount of $28,153.92.
Presented by Stuart Moring, Director
Item Summary:
The 4,500 linear feet of waterline along North Coleman Road has been completed. This change order increases the waterline portion of the contract from $336,866.80 to $365,014.72. These funds are needed for adjustments based on quantities of supplies needed. This project remains under the approved budgeted amount of $464,689.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends approval.
Financial Impact:
Approval of this change order will authorize an additional $28,153.92 of funding for the North Coleman Waterline project from the Water Fund, Cost Center 440C, Account 541420, Project 09ENV006- North Coleman Waterline Replacement project, bringing the total amount to $365,014.72 from the Water Fund and $147,720.40 from the Transportation Department. There is $99,674.28 remaining in the Water Fund budget for this project.
Presented by:
Stuart A. Moring, P.E., Director of Public Works/Environmental