Approval of Phase II of the Tower Cloud, Inc. lease to build fiber on the Hightower Water Tank site which is located on City property. (Deferred from January 24, 2011) (Tower Cloud requested a deferral to the February 28, 2011 Mayor and City Council meeting)
Item Summary:
Tower Cloud proposes to serve its wireless customers, Verizon, MetroPCS and Sprint, with a fiber optic cable and remove the microwave equipment currently mounted on the water tank.
Tower Cloud's Proposed Phase II:
(1) Execute a long term lease with the City of Roswell upon the expiration of the current lease on May 5, 2011
(2) Place a fiber optic cable within the existing utility easement
(3) Remove the microwave dish and all associated equipment from the water tank
Phase II of this project includes a long term lease of $500 per month for the 4x4 (16 sq. ft.) ground space, which is included in the current lease.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On January 24, 2011, Mayor and Council deferred this item until the February 14, 2011 Mayor and Council meeting.
Financial Impact:
The City of Roswell will receive approximately $6,000 annually under the terms of the lease, which is $24,000 less than the existing agreement.
Presented by:
David Davidson, City Attorney