Request for approval of Budget Amendment 1585-10-25-10 to increase the FY 11 Revenue budget by $2,023,806 and increase the FY 11 Expenditure budget by $2,028,117.
Presented by Keith Lee, Director of Strategic Planning and Budgeting
Item Summary:
This budget amendment includes four components of appropriations as outlined below.
Item 1: The Citywide restructuring plan decreases the FY 2011 Approved Budget by (-$236,162) as follows:
· Reclassification of the Traffic Signal Manager position to a Signal Systems Manager position - no impact on FY 11 Approved Budget.
Item 2: Reappropriation of remaining FY 2010 funds in the amount of $93,269 as follows:
· $3,310 in unspent Mayor’s Supplies (1110-531131);
· $3,457 in unspent Hospitality/Events ($1,760 in 1110-531310 and $1,697 in 1320-531310);
· $5,685 in unspent “Find-It-All Roswell” funding (7510-531105);
· $44,397 in unspent operating for additional “Find-It-All Roswell” funding (7510-531105)
· $21,700 in unspent GIS professional services for centerline road attribution/quality control and GIS systems analysis/application development;
· $2,320 in unspent travel and education and training for 2010 ESRI conference ($470 in 7415-523500 and $1,850 in 7415-5237000;
· $2,400 in unspent printing and binding for the printing of marketing and promotional material for economic development (7510-523400)
· $10,000 in unspent operating for the Bike Roswell Grant Match. INSERT Cost Center and Account *****
Item 3: Recognition of $173,806 in additional revenue (transfer in to Capital projects fund) and $371,010 in additional expenditures associated with special revenue funds as follows:
· $173,806 in transfers in to the Capital Projects Fund from the Hotel/Motel Fund, Confiscated Assets Fund and Reserve for Sidewalk Assessments-General Fund (see projects below).
· $78,000 of Hotel/Motel-Trails fund balance for the Roswell Area Park trail culvert repair project.;
· $35,000 in FY 10...
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