Appeal of a Design Review Board decision related to conditions of approval for the Sharpshooters USA application.
(Deferred from December 7, 2009)
Presented by Bradford D. Townsend Planning & Zoning Director
Item Summary:
On November 3, 2009 the Design Review Board heard and conditionally approved a design plan for a new firing range on Alpharetta Highway at Foe Killer Creek. The Board approved the design plan with the following conditions:
1. The owner/developer shall extend a sidewalk from Alpharetta Highway to the building.
2. The owner/developer shall remove the existing billboard.
3. The owner/developer shall install an ornamental fence above proposed retaining wall where it is visible from public right of way.
4. Trail easement agreement with the City of Roswell is negotiable.
5. Comply with departmental comments. (see attached DRB approval letter)
The applicant filed an appeal of the Board's decision, specifically the requirement to remove the billboard. The applicant has objected based on its legal inability to remove the billboard, and the Boards limits to only make conditions that achieve public purposes.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
Financial Impact:
Presented by:
Bradford D.Townsend, Planning & Zoning Director