Roswell, GA
File #: 10-0489    Version: Name: Check to GDOT in the amount of $263,307.77
Type: General Item Status: Passed
File created: 7/19/2010 In control: Transportation Department
On agenda: 8/9/2010 Final action: 8/9/2010
Title: Approval to remit $263,307.77 to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to fulfill the City's 20% obligation towards GDOT's construction contract with Southern Concrete Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of the SR9/140 Intersection Improvement project. Presented by Steve Acenbrak, Director


Approval to remit $263,307.77 to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to fulfill the City's 20% obligation towards GDOT's construction contract with Southern Concrete Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of the SR9/140 Intersection Improvement project.

Presented by Steve Acenbrak, Director


Item Summary:

The intersection improvements of the SR 9 /140 project include adding a second left turn lane on the eastbound and westbound approaches on SR 9 and the addition of a median on SR 9 from SR 140 to Commerce Parkway on the north side and a median on the south side from SR 140 to the shopping center driveway.


The Project Framework Agreement for this project was signed June 30, 2004. GDOT is letting this project; however, the agreement obligated the City to pay 20% of the construction costs on this intersection improvement project. The lowest responsible bidder was Southern Concrete Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $1,306,538.87. The City's share is 20% of that cost or $261,307.77.


Committee or Staff Recommendation:

On July 28, 2010 the Community Development & Transportation Committee recommended placing this item on the August 9, 2010 Mayor and Council Agenda.


Financial Impact:

Funds in the amount of $444,865 are approved and available for this project in Cost Center 4210CP, Account 541415, Project Number 05TRA013. (Capital Projects, Road Projects, HBR/Alpharetta Hwy. Intersection Improvements)


Presented by:

Steven D. Acenbrak, P.E., LEED AP, Director of Transportation