Approval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a contract with Duncan Pipeline, Inc. for the construction of the stormwater pipe located at the intersection of Myrtle Street and Zion Circle, extending approximately 300 feet south on Zion Circle in the amount of $71,825.25.
Public Works
Item Summary:
The purpose of this project is to replace a failing pipe system comprised of various sizes and ages of pipes which have exceeded their useful life and are failing. The system is currently located under the curb on Zion Circle and complete failure could cause further complications along the road.
Invitation to Bid #10-112J was issued and 10 bids were received ranging from $71,825.25 to $169,600. Duncan Pipeline, Inc was the lowest responsive responsible bidder in the amount of $71,825.25.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On May 4, 2010 the Public Safety & Public Works Committee recommended placing this item on the May 17, 2010 Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Funds in the amount of $93,960 are available in the Stormwater Capital Budget, Cost Center 7110CP, Account 541200, Project 10ENV003.
Presented by:
Stuart A. Moring, P.E., Director of Public Works/Environmental