Approval to apply to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for funding for the Clean Water and Drinking Water and Green Project Reserve State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs.
Environmental / Public Works
Item Summary:
Each year, GEFA must submit an application to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for funding for the Clean Water (CW) and Drinking Water (DW) SRF programs. The most important part of GEFA's application for SRF funding is an Intended Use Plan (IUP). GEFA cannot fund a project through the CW or DW SRF program that does not appear in the appropriate IUP.
This approval authorizes submission of the same project as last year which was the "Implementation of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system to reduce water loss and energy consumption." Total project cost is estimated at $1.5 Million.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On April 12, 2010 the Public Safety & Public Works Committee recommended placing this item on the April 19, 2010 Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
This application has no financial impact. However, if selected, the City would need to reprogram Water Fund reserves from the 5-year CIP. The estimated loan repayment would be $200,000 per year.
Presented by:
Stuart A. Moring, P.E., Director of Public Works/Environmental