Approval of a Resolution to accept the 2010 Historic Preservation Fund Grant and approval of Budget Amendment 7322G5-06-14-10 in the amount of $6,000.
Presented by Bradford D. Townsend, Planning and Zoning Director
Item Summary:
On February 1, 2010, the Mayor and City Council passed a resolution seeking approval to submit an application for the 2010 Historic Preservation Fund for Certified Local Governments predevelopment grant application for the Roswell Historic Cemeteries - Educational Activities and Publications Project. The grant fund is 60% state and 40% local match. Staff requested a grant award of $3,600 which requires a $2,400 match from the City's grant matching fund contingency. The grant money will fund three interpretative signs and a brochure. Brochures will be placed in locations around town such as City Hall, the Cultural Arts Center and Convention and Visitors Bureau. Information from the brochures will also be adapted for the City's website.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On May 19, 2010 the Community Development & Transportation Committee recommended placing this item on the June 14, 2010 Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Upon approval of the Grant award and Budget Amendment 7322G5-06-14-10, funding in the amount of $6,000 will be available. After reserving this grant match, $250,596 is available in Matching Grant Contingency funds for future grant match needs.
Presented by:
Bradford D. Townsend, Planning and Zoning Director