Roswell, GA
Meeting Name: Community Development and Transportation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/19/2010 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 220
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
10-0323 11.Miles & Music for Kids Motorcycle RideGeneral ItemConsideration of a Rolling Road Closure for the Miles & Music for Kids Motorcycle Ride on Sunday, May 23, 2010ApprovedPass Action details
10-0312 12.BV ClassicGeneral ItemConsideration of a Rolling Road Closure for the BV Classic Bicycle Ride on Saturday, June 19, 2010ApprovedPass Action details
10-0311 13.Doug MacGinnitie for Secretary of StateGeneral ItemConsideration of a Road Closure for the Doug MacGinnitie for Secretary of State campaign stop on Saturday, June 12, 2010ApprovedPass Action details
10-0321 14.Block PartyGeneral ItemConsideration of a Road Closure for a Community Block Party on Saturday, May 22, 2010ApprovedPass Action details
09-1082 35.2010 Historic Preservation Fund GrantItem with ResolutionApproval of a Resolution to accept the 2010 Historic Preservation Fund Grant and approval of Budget Amendment 7322G5-06-14-10 in the amount of $6,000. Presented by Bradford D. Townsend, Planning and Zoning DirectorApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0305 16.2010 Update to STWP & CIEItem with ResolutionApproval of a Resolution for the 2010 Comprehensive Plan Update to the Short Term Work Program and the Capital Improvement Element. Presented by Bradford D. Townsend, Planning and Zoning DirectorApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0317 17.Swaybranch Drive Infrastructure CDBG Grant AgreementItem with ResolutionApproval of a Resolution to accept a FY 2010 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Sway Branch Drive Infrastructure project and approval of Budget Amendment 4224G1-06-14-10 in the amount of $117,627.69. Presented by Alice Wakefield, Director of Community DevelopmentApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0324 18.Swaybranch Drive Right of Way Extension AcceptanceGeneral ItemApproval of the acceptance and payment of $11,000 for one easement for the extension of Sway Branch Drive. Presented by Alice Wakefield, Director of Community DevelopmentApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0327 19.Erosion and Sedimentation Control OrdinanceItem with OrdinanceApproval of an Amendment to the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. (Second Reading) Presented by Alice Wakefield, DirectorApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0350 110.Lawn Patrol - Hatchur HurdGeneral ItemHatcher Hurd's April 29, 2010 Article - Lawn Patrol   Action details
10-0331 111.Award of Swaybranch Ext construction contract to JJEGeneral ItemApproval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a contract with JJE Constructors for the Sway Branch Extension Project in the amount of $107,684.63, pending receipt and approval of the CDBG Grant Agreements from Fulton County. TransportationApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0325 112.Resurfacing Contract CW MatthewsGeneral ItemApproval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a contract for resurfacing with C.W. Matthews Contracting in the amount of $1,786,160.88. Presented by Steve Acenbrak, DirectorApproved for the Regular AgendaPass Action details
10-0326 113.Proposed Preferred Alignment of Big Creek Bridge RoadGeneral ItemDiscussion of seeking public input on the Proposed Preferred Alignment of the Big Creek Bridge Road - GuidanceApprovedPass Action details
10-0328 1 Hatcher Hurd's April 29, 2010 ArticleGeneral ItemInformation Items - Comm Devel   Action details
10-0334 1 Transportaion Info ItemsGeneral ItemInformation Items - Transportation   Action details