Roswell, GA
File #: 10-0331    Version: Name: Award of Swaybranch Ext construction contract to JJE
Type: General Item Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 5/12/2010 In control: Mayor and City Council Special Called
On agenda: 6/7/2010 Final action: 6/7/2010
Title: Approval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a contract with JJE Constructors for the Sway Branch Extension Project in the amount of $107,684.63, pending receipt and approval of the CDBG Grant Agreements from Fulton County. Transportation
Approval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a contract with JJE Constructors for the Sway Branch Extension Project in the amount of $107,684.63, pending receipt and approval of the CDBG Grant Agreements from Fulton County.
Item Summary:
Bid # 10-119B was issued and ten (10) bids were received ranging from $107,684.63 to $167,241.18. JJE Constructors was the most responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $107,684.63. This project creates a new road connection between Sway Branch Drive and Market Place, parallel to Holcomb Bridge Road. The project extends Sway Branch Drive from its existing termination point to the intersection of Market Place, along the alignment of the existing driveway into the Heritage Walk development. A new three-way, stop-controlled intersection linking Market Place, Sway Branch Drive, and Heritage Walk will be constructed. The project also provides for a sidewalk along the south side of the new road.  A Notice to Proceed will be issued once the CDBG Grant Agreements are received from Fulton County.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On May 19, 2010 the Community Development and Transportation Committee recommended placing this Item on the next available Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Upon approval of the Grant award, funds in the amount of $117,627.69 will be available in the grant cost center, account 541415, project 10GRA010.
Presented by:
Steven D. Acenbrak, P.E., LEED AP, Director of Transportation