Approval for the Mayor and/or City Administrator to sign a contract for resurfacing with C.W. Matthews Contracting in the amount of $1,786,160.88.
Presented by Steve Acenbrak, Director
Item Summary:
Bid #10-105J was issued and six (6) bids were received ranging from $2,079,743.38 to $2,508,930.54. C.W. Matthews Contracting is the most responsive, responsible bidder; however their bid was over the current year budgeted amount. After discussions with C.W. Matthews and the reduction of quantities in the scope of work, the contract is now within the current funding available. The total quantities in the bid package will provide approximately twenty (20) center line miles of resurfacing for two-lane roads. The contractor will stop at a point where the total contract is met.
Committee or Staff Recommendation:
On May 19, 2010 the Community Development and Transportation Committee recommended placing this Item on the next available Mayor and Council Agenda.
Financial Impact:
Funds in the amount of $1,966,755.45 are available in the Resurfacing and Reconstruction account for the award of the contract, Cost Center 4210CP, Account #522205, Project #05TRA006.
Presented by:
Steven D. Acenbrak, P.E., LEED AP, Director of Transportation