DRB12-01, 1570 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Hawthorne Holcomb Woods
1. Application, 2. Awning Schematic, 3. Awnings, Shutters, Louvers, Canopy, 4. Elevations, 5. Existing Site Plans-Views, 6. Intersite Signage, 7. Landscaping Plans, 8. Letter of Intent, 9. Lighting, 10. Material Board, 11. Project Samples, 12. Site Overview, 13. The Wedge, 14. Approval Resolution, 15. Area A, 16. Awnings, 17. Bahamas Shutters-Louvers, 18. Elevations - Buildings 100 and 200, 19. Elevations - Buildings 300 and 400, 20. Elevations Buildings 500 and 600, 21. Existing Site Plan Views, 22. Inter-Parcel Signage and Fire Lane, 23. Landscape Plans, 24. Lighting, 25. Materials Board, 26. New Lights, 27. New Planting Areas in the Parking Lot, 28. Other Properties Managed and Developed by Hawthorne Retail Partners, 29. Pedestrian Access Study, 30. Schematic Details, 31. Side and Back Elevations - Buildings 800, 32. Site Plan, 33. Site Plan-(2), 34. Site Plan-Vicinity, 35. The Wedge, 36. Traffic Calming, 37. Vignette 2g - Grade Solution, 38. Vignette 3a - Grade Solution, 39. Wood Trellis and Canopy Brackets, 40. Signed Resolution - approv.